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Windows NT platform for a powerful defragmentation tool. Extremely fast.


Windows NT platform for the "powerful disk defragmentation utility. Last extremely fast."
dovnload.co.uk Editor: Powerful Open Source defragmentation tool for Windows NT UltraDefrag. It's engine is very fast, because it is created as kernel-mode driver. Them three interfaces: graphical, console and there are indigenous. First is very useful because the cluster map visualization. Console for the Task Scheduler, good and native tool - for advanced users and programmers.
UltraDefrag very ergonomic design: no skins, no localization, no animation, etc.. Small and powerful is a program that's true!
Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, and can be used on all 64-bit Windows versions. NT 4.0 support is currently unavailable.
UltraDefrag has the following features:
- Very fast defragmentation, because engine is kernel mode driver and has optimal algorithm.
- Very small engine written in pure C language.
- Nice graphical interface - compact and comfortable.
- Security, because moving files with special system calls are carried out.
- Easy to use.
- Generates html reports.
- There are useful filters.
has - natural x64 support.
- FREE: under the GNU General Public License with full source code is distributed. Now you can download free UltraDefrag 1.4.0.

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